11月16日〜20日 アメリカ合衆国のニューオーリンズで開催された2016年アメリカ老年学会で、山本教授が「Case Conference as a Tool for Elder Abuse Prevention: A Facility-University Joint Project」
博士課程の齋藤が「Work Values and Their Association With Burnout and Work Engagement of Nurses in Long-Term Care Hospitals」
博士課程の堀拔が「Factor of Facilitation for using Tool of Advance Directive: Evaluation From Elderly Perspective」
博士課程の齋藤が「Work Values and Their Association With Burnout and Work Engagement of Nurses in Long-Term Care Hospitals」
博士課程の堀拔が「Factor of Facilitation for using Tool of Advance Directive: Evaluation From Elderly Perspective」
On November 16-20, 2016, Professor Yamamoto-Mitani made a oral presentation about "Case Conference as a Tool for Elder Abuse Prevention: A Facility-University Joint Project", D1 Saito made a oral presentation about "Work Values and Their Association With Burnout and Work Engagement of Nurses in Long-Term Care Hospitals", and D1 Horinuki made a poster presentation about “Factor of Facilitation for using Tool of Advance Directive: Evaluation From Elderly Perspective” at the 2016 GSA Annual Scientific Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
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